Friday, April 13, 2007

Other Stuff

In my last class of Gender studies I found it interesting at how many of the short stories were about convents and religious rules. Much of what was talked about in class was how the authors were trying to defy religion or expose their practices. I found this interesting because in today’s society most writers, famous ones, don’t write about religious ideas at all. Out of the top 35 best selling books only three or four have any religious thoughts in them. In class our major topic we talk about is how religions change over time and in my last class of Gender studies this was the topic of discussion. We talk in class about how technology influences the progression of religion as time goes on religion becomes more prominent. Along those same lines what does religion affect the progression of? To me it is quite clear that gender roles in society were greatly impacted by religious ideas. In many religions women have very little freedom and little role in religious activities wile in others women have just as many rights, but this is influenced mostly on how developed the religions have become over time. I then wondered how many other things are influenced by the advancement of religion. One other thing major aspect of society that can be influenced by religion is government. Some less advanced societies, hence less advanced religions, are still run by the religion that is present there. It is interesting to think how different our lives would be if there was no such thing as separate religion and state. If these two major aspects of society are linked to the advancement of religion how much else is dependent of it?

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